Bellingham Christian Middle School
Middle School serves 5th-8th grade.
Classes are Monday-Friday 8:30 am – 3:30 pm.
The middle school is located on the Sunset campus. Our 4 multiage classrooms bring together aspects of our elementary classrooms including having one teacher for the core subjects. These lower level middle school classrooms also bring in some aspects of the middle school learning environment such as learning how to take notes and study for tests.
5th/6th students go on retreats including one overnight retreat in the spring, delve deep into social studies/science topics, and work on higher level reading and writing tasks including reading a variety of novels where the biblical storyline is explored.
Our 7th/8th grade students switch class every hour and have a variety of teachers who specialize in a subject area including a Bible class. These upper middle school learners attend 2 two-night-three-day retreats, the first on Whidbey Island’s Lakeside Bible Camp and the second up at Mount Baker at the Firs’ Chalet. Our retreats focus on team building, spiritual formation, and discipleship. Teachers aim to build leadership skills while meeting the unique needs of middle school age learners, including social-emotional skills and self awareness with a focus on how God’s wisdom can direct our decisions and actions.
Seventh grade students have the opportunity to take an accelerated math course and eighth grade students have the opportunity to take Algebra I, earning them high school credits so they are eligible to start high school math with geometry.
Our middle school students also have the opportunity to join various BCS club teams (basketball, volleyball, archery, soccer, and cross country) and music electives (band and choir).